Sunday, January 26, 2014

Big Data Cartoon - Announcing Hadoop (TM) Coin

With Bitcoin market cap at reported 12B, and with the Hadoop yearly market targeting 4B by 2017, this is an apples-to-oranges comparison, and it is as hard to decide between the two as to answer the old children's question, "if an elephant steps on a whale, who will win?"

For this reason we decided to create a completely unauthorized Hadoop coin and offer it to the world. (Please keep in mind that Apache Hadoop is a trademark which we are only using here, not suggesting that we have the authority to speak on its behalf).

How to generate Hadoop coins? - much simpler than Bitcoins: all you need to do is forward this link or letter to a friend, and you have sent a Hadoop coin. It is eco-friendly, wasting no paper, and perhaps increasing the world's internet traffic by a paltry 1%. Thus, the possession of this coins provokes no envy and perhaps negates the ancient wisdom that "one who wants money will never have enough money." I, for one, can stare at this coin for a long time.

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